What is a S330 Landscape & Recreation Contractor?
All contractors are not alike and not all 'lawn care' companies are licensed to do landscaping work. A general lawn care business license allows you to do just that, lawn care and basic sprinkler repair. Full yard installation, sprinkler systems and hardscape features require additional experience and knowledge in plumbing, electrical and building code. All specialty licensed landscape contractors must
And while landscapers can provide a beautifully mowed lawn, they know a lot more than just how to walk in a straight line… 😉 Unfortunately the landscape trade is the least regulated of all the trades, so we hear a lot of stories when fixing the work of unqualified lawn companies who cut corners or just plain aren't educated in landscaping contracting. There are 3 things we educate people on when looking for a landscape contractor or any contractor. One is that they are a 'landscape' contractor, not just a general contractor or just have a lawn business. They should be licensed with DOPL (the 4 Digit Identifier for landscapers is 5501), have a State Business License AND a City Business License. They should have commercial insurance and you should request a COI or Certificate of Liability Insurance for large jobs. Look for a website. Many dishonest contractors won’t have a website or online presence to prevent negative reviews and limit contact with customers. Just having a basic website means they are business minded, more professional and not just a come-and-go start up. Lastly, get 3 bids and never go with the cheapest because you always get what you pay for in landscaping. The term 'dirt cheap' isn't a real thing, good dirt is actually quite expensive… Most importantly…. Great landscapers will usually be booked throughout the season and because they are honest, they won’t ‘fit you in’ or rush a current job just for more business. You will need to be put on their schedule to 'wait in line'. They care about each customer and will dedicate their full attention to the current project. If you call a landscaper and they are several weeks out, it's because they are good, honest and worth the wait and won't skimp on quality!